Archive | January 2014

My blog is 1 year old today and an update……

Hey everyone.
I’m so sorry I haven’t been blogging for so long. I’m still not feeling very well after my infection last spring. I’m so tired and I don’t have much energy. This is driving me nuts. I want to do so much. I want to exercise but I’m to tired to do it. But I know I have to and that I probably will get more energy. But I have lost: (drum roll…. 😉 ) 77 pounds (35 kg). I’m so happy for that and so grateful. I can move more easily. My current weight is: 214.72 pounds. In kilos I’m under 100 kg. 97.6 kg. So I’m so happy that I did have the surgery. I know I couldn’t have lost so much weight without it. I’m glad I took that step. Even though I sometimes regret it, and that’s when I’m dumping. I have dumping a lot. Everyday. And I don’t know why because sometimes I can eat something and the next time I can’t. Oh well…. 🙂

Today it’s my blog’s Birthday. It’s 1 year old. Happy Birthday Angeljens Blog! Time flies so fast.

On New Years Eve I wore my dream dress. I bought it a couple of years ago and it have been hanging on my wardrobe. So I could see it everyday. I still look big in it but I did feel beautiful in it.

I have also cut my hair. I love my new hair cut. Since surgery I have lost so much hair. So I haven’t been getting enough of protein.

My new hair cut.


I will go back to fluids. 2-3 bags a day. I have been binging the last 2 months so I have to do something to get me back on track.
I will also try to blog more often.
Happy New Year!

I will see you in the next blogpost.